Online services
Services are livestreamed on two platforms: Facebook and YouTube. You can access previous messages here as well.
Going deeper in online community
The faith life can’t be lived alone. Here are some ideas for taking proactive steps to connect with others in our online community:
Keep a regular rhythm of worship and make a habit of watching at the same time each week. Although you can access the video of the service at anytime, many people find they feel more connected when watching the livestream along with others at 9:30am.
Simply announce your presence! Say hello to others, make a comment, or ask a question.
Consider joining a home group. There are some online home groups that meet for community connection, prayer, and learning from the Bible.
Use the signup button below to get on our email list to feel more connected with community events and to find out about other types of gatherings (from hikes to outdoor movie nights to small groups).
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