Welcome This Sunday at Simi Cov

 We would love to see you!

Service at 9:30am

4680 Alamo St. Simi Valley, CA
(between Tapo St. and Stearns St.)


Onsite services Sundays at 9:30am at 4680 Alamo St. Simi Valley, CA.

Dress comfortably & feel free to enjoy your coffee during worship. Service is usually around 1 hour & 15 minutes.

We meet in the worship center, the white building facing Fort Worth Dr.

To get an idea of what happens during a service, you can see a video of a previous worship service


KiDS (Nursery-5th grade): Check-In opens by 9:00am — just come to the KiDS counter in the Worship Center entryway. Volunteers will get you oriented.

After check-in, families worship together, then all the kids are accompanied by teachers to head to kids church.

Pick up your kids at the check-out table by the playground.

Youth (6th-12th grade): 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month youth stay in the worship center with their families to begin to integrate in the larger church family. 2nd and 4th Sundays we offer a separate youth program.


Services are livestreamed on two platforms: Facebook and YouTube. You can access previous messages here as well.


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