What if we could exercise our “gratitude muscles” a bit? Would you like to experience greater peace and personal satisfaction?

But Many of us would say that we are pretty happy. Some of us would say we are even mostly happy. But we might admit that we *think* we would be perfectly happy or content “if only”. 

…If only we made a but more money. 

…If only our spouse was less annoying. 

…If only our bodies worked well

…If only work weren’t so stressful

(the list goes on)

We think THEN we would be content. 

But the Apostle Paul says, “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.” (Phil 4:12). We can learn along with Paul to become people who are more content … even in the face of real lack and longing.

Author Jennie Pollack, whose book on this topic give us the title for this series, encourages us to explore what exactly our “if onlys” are. To ask the deeper questions of our discontent. We see that many times we can lean on other things rather than on God.

In this month of preparation for Christmas, we are going to practice contentment with the goal of learning to be even just a little bit more content. Our problems will not magically disappear, but we just may find that we will be more at peace, more faithful, and a bit more free than ever before.

While you’re at it, why not join our Contentment Challenge?




Any Questions?