
For students in 6th to 12th Grade

YOUTH GROUP WEDNESDAY NIGHTS 6:30-8:30pm at Simi Covenant Church 4680 Alamo St. Simi Valley

BIBLE STUDY MONDAY NIGHTS. We typically meet at the Regal from 6:30pm-8:00pm. Contact David Chun for more info.

Where students can engage with faith questions while experiencing and finding long term joy, connecting with Jesus and God’s people.

  • Centered on the love of God for us (the gospel)

  • Built on relationships with friends and adults engaging in faith and life conversations together

  • Lived out through acting on faith in service and sharing what we believe

  • Taking place in a space that is safe, welcoming, and fun

CovYouth Logo 2019.png


Email Sign-up Here - Most In Depth Info

Instagram: @simicovyouth


Email Youth Director David Chun