How can deciding ahead of time help you to be the person you want to be?
Is this just your own effort, or is God also participating? We know that our “knee-jerk” reactions to our situations around us can easily reflect our sinful nature rather than the life of the Spirit. Our unguarded reactions are sometimes less “knee” (prayer) and more “jerk” (er…NOT prayer).
So, rather than just allowing life continue as it always has in the past, as new or renewed followers of Jesus we are going to seek to proactively cooperate with the Holy Spirit in us, who is directing us to worship the Lord and to live holy lives submitted to our savior and in fellowship with other Christians.
We are going to need to plan to be PROACTIVE instead of REACTIVE or PASSIVE in order to build a life of faith-driven character.
In this series we will look at 5 different topics where our intentionality will play a key role in our success. We are going to seek to be intentional in our words, our actions, and our relationships. And doing it all with a view of wanting to honor and serve God. This isn’t an exhaustive list, of course, but it’s a good starting point! We're glad you're here!